martes, 26 de diciembre de 2017

Comparison of the Festivity of New Year Between Ecuador, Scotland and Italy

  • Custom.
New Year in Ecuador.
As in many countries in Ecuador new year is synonymous with a new beginning; There are some customs to celebrate this famous world Festival.
-The puppet: days before the arrival of the new year are made certain dolls of paper or cardboard, sawdust, old clothes or any other material. We can represent any character in them. At 00: 00 in the morning of January 1 this doll is burned representing the year that step and went.
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Sometimes these dolls tend to be in booths that are located on the sides of the streets and are made so improvised with branches of trees.

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-Running with the suitcase: some people tend to run across a lap around the block loaded with a suitcase just to 00: 00 on January 1. It is customary to do this to attract travel to the coming year.

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-Put a ticket in our shoe: a ticket within our right shoe should be placed throughout the 31 of December and, once entered on January 1, this should be put back in our portfolio and leave it there throughout the year, which means that no concratar s spend it or, otherwise, turn the good luck that brought the new year.

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-Eat 12 grapes: is world known mind eating 12 grapes for a desire for each grape.

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-Yellow underwear: December 31 should be used to attract financial prosperity of the coming year. There is also another custom to use another color of underwear to attract prosperity in different things into the new year.
-Among others.

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New Year in Scotland.
New year in Scotland is called "Hogmanay" and its origins go back to the winter solstice. Interestingly, the end of Scottish year is celebrated even more than Christmas, which, after the Protestant Reformation, was not celebrated for centuries, and was no holiday until 1958. The "Hogmanay", on the other hand, enjoys with two public holidays, 1 and 2 January.
Among the traditions that we can find are:
-"First-footing", the first visitor of the year: consists of friends and family to visit the House of others with a symbolic gift as a lump of coal, cake, or whisky, intending to bring luck to the House of the host.

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The appearance of the first person to come through the door will determine the fate of the family over the next year. Maximum fortune is achieved if that person is a man, dark and handsome.

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Resultado de imagen para new year first footing

-Redding, household cleaning, and debts: Scottish families tend to clean their houses before the end of the year to welcome the new year.
Also in terms of debts, is believed to be bad luck to begin the new year with debts so the Scots tend to pay debts before the new year.

Resultado de imagen para costumbres de año nuevo en escocia limpiar la casa y pagar deudas

-Auld Lang Syne, new year's Eve song: the custom is rooted in this country. When he sings it either with family or friends all hands and sing it loudly.
Greeting with a verse of Auld Lang Syne.
"Auld Lang Syne" is a traditional part of Scottish poet Robert Burns, written in 1788, one of the most popular Scottish poets. Later are you added music and it became this new year among the Scottish Rite.

-Fire: is the most representative of this date in this nation; It is used in variety of customs such as: some populations live setting fire to a barrel, which is subsequently made to roll through the streets wrapped in flames. Among others.

Tradiciones de Hogmanay Nochevieja en Escocia Mas Edimburgo 5

New Year in Italy.
31 December Italians await the new year with great respect, since they are a country with deep-rooted traditions and even that day celebrated at the San Silvestre. The first day of the year is called "Capodanno". 
Among the variety of customs that can be found in this beautiful country are:
-Cenone di San Silvestro:e as already I say night of celebration of the Holy Saint Silvestrese called “La notte di San Silvestro” or “La vigilia di Capodanno”.
Variety of restaurants prepare dishes typical for the date and also families eat collected traditional dishes such as:
 "Cotechino or Zampone and lenticchie": El "Cotechino", is ground and spicy pork meat which is inside the belly of pork sausage, for this dish as is served with lentils. According to the tradition, the lentils bring good luck and wealth.
The Zampone, which is a variant of the "Cotechino" but this time the meat comes in a leg of pork, which even has the hoof.

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Panettone and/or Pandoro: is the characteristic of Italy which is like the Easter bread known in Ecuador.
Panettone: This comes with different variety of candies and a sweet.
Pandoro: This is the bread in its natural, slightly salted and dried State.

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Spumante: the famous sparkling wine, however, this wine is sweet.

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-Red underwear: it should be used in new year's Eve to attract fortune, this underwear must be given at Christmas and the next day that is used must be discarded.
-Old things for windows: practiced with less continuity, however in regions close to Rome and Naples if it is quite seen. Old frets are usually released. 
This is symbol of renewal to leave behind old and past and see to a coming better, in this case more new.

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-Fireworks and midnight concerts: at 00: 00 on January 1; It is a custom to see how the sky is filled with beautiful Fireworks and after this in places you can find concerts and events.

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  • Typical Dishes.
New Year in Ecuador.
In our Ecuador, there is a certain typical that eats a new year meal, eaten all kinds of dishes and menus.
You can prepare turkey or chicken or some typical dish; however, it is often eat cherries and the typical 12 grapes that are eaten for make a wish by grape for having what you want next year.
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Resultado de imagen para comida de año nuevo en ecuador
Resultado de imagen para comida tipica de año nuevo en ecuador
Resultado de imagen para cerezas año nuevo ecuador

New Year in Scotland.
Before going to festivals or mass by the end of the year, families gather and eat together. DURING the HOGMANAY is common that is consistent, and rich dishes such as:
-Stews of beef or Venison.
- Roast beef.
Also there are meals typical of Scotland as from the menu:
-The haggis: which is a spiced sausage, made of lung, liver and heart of sheep or lamb.
-Neeps and Tatties: It is a puree made with potatoes and turnips.
-Rumbledethumps: Is a dish made with cabbage, potatoes, butter, and onion; all this with cheese au gratin.
All these dishes are accompanied by alcoholic beverages like whisky or a quality wine.
In dessert Scots eat wide variety of sweets, the most known are:
-Black Bun: this is a cake that is as stuffed dried fruits, spices and fruits confit; What do the texture to become very compact.
-Shortbread:galleta of butter.
-Tablet: Is a sweet Scottish made from butter, condensed milk and sugar.
-Mini pies.
-Tarts stuffed with fruit and spices.



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Resultado de imagen para comida tipica de año nuevo en escocia

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New Year in Italy.
The main dishes that are eaten at the end of the year in Italy are only two of the most traditional, these are prepared with lentils.
It is believed that lentils are a symbol of prosperity for the New Year.
Obviously, you should also eat other dishes that are depending on the taste of each person who prepares them, however here we can find:
-"Cotechino or Zampone and lenticchie": El "Cotechino", is ground and spicy pork meat which is inside the belly of pork sausage, for this dish as is served with lentils. According to the tradition, the lentils bring good luck and wealth.
The Zampone, which is a variant of the "Cotechino" but this time the meat comes in a leg of pork, which even has the hoof.
-Panettone and/or Pandoro: is the characteristic of Italy which is like the Easter bread known in Ecuador.
Panettone: This comes with different variety of candies and a sweet.
Pandoro: This is the bread in its natural, slightly salted and dried state.
-Spumante: the famous sparkling wine, however, this wine is sweet.
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 Zampone and lenticchie
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Resultado de imagen para Spumante
Resultado de imagen para Cotechino or Zampone and lenticchie
Cotechino and lenticchie

  • Traditional Costumes.
New Year in Ecuador.
It can not be said that it is such a typical dress, however it is very common these days to see the well-known "Widows" asking for charity for the Old Year.
The widows who are usually men who disguise themselves in black clothes and are together with the puppets asking for money with the supposed purpose of financing the sarcastic funeral of the old years.
Today, in the afternoons and evenings of December 31, we can see everywhere the charismatic widows, giving a fun moment to anyone who runs into them. Many boys, girls, boys and girls disguise themselves as widows to get some money to start off on the right foot the new year.

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New Year in Scotland.
Usually ordinary citizens usually wear casual clothes or the clothes they want. On the other hand, in a great variety of parades, the participants of this one must wear the typical Scottish costume.
The "kilt" is a kilt that is made with a fabric from the same country, called tartan. It is a cloth cloth. As for colors these are chosen and represent a certain clan, it is so for men and women.
Women can make any kind of garment as long as it has the colors of their clan, but they usually wear dresses.
Men very curiously wear skirts that hold them with a brooch or hook. These are sometimes accompanied by a bagpipe.
Also in these parades you can see people disguised as Vikings.
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New Year in Italy.
There is no specific suit for this date, people can use what is their free choice and what they want. Maybe in festivals and that kind of thing, where citizens attend the "Capodanno", there may be some kind of person in disguise or wearing the typical Italian dress.

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  • Special Activities.
A global event that is made for the new year is the count and the greeting but in these countries this is also:
New Year in Ecuador.
In Ecuador the special activities that generally people like to do and see; is the widows as proceedings on any city street. Widows are characters who are trying to collect money for the name "old year".
In their attempt to collect that money they make shows or any type of event generally when cars stopped at traffic lights. Sometimes, if there are and in vast majority of widows do not do jokes about great benefit and it is quite a black humor.
People always are entertaining when it comes to these Comic characters from new year's Eve.
Another event is going to see the monigotes. Usually, there is a great reception to these dolls that are waiting to be bought, cumbriendo avenues only of them.
Municipalities also often make dolls in very large scales so that citizenship can admire, enjoy watching and take pictures.

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New Year in Scotland.
In this country there is a large number and variety of events for these festivities, among the events we can find: concerts, parade of torches, dances, etc. Such events can bring together up to 100 000 participants, this in the Scottish city of Edinburgh.
In Stonehaven, there is a "Festival of balls of fire", which is an event of that town. December 31 at midnight the carriers, or swingers, parade through the main street, High Street.
They carry and spinning balls made of wire containing a material fuel and obviously are burning around their bodies.They do this accompanied with the sound of drums; they do it to scare away evil spirits and of the best way to start the year. This event is free and lasts around 30 minutes.
The Comrie Flambeaux; or the bonfire of Biggar, takes place in the village of Comrie. This event consists of a kind of bonfire of San Juan which and persons of the village, this is accompanied by music that lasts until the evening.
It should not be forgotten that in all events and all the places in the country is sung Auld Lang Syne at midnight, a very emotional event for all Scots. Its very accompanied by the refiner's fire are holidays for the new year.

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Stonehaven Fireballs
Resultado de imagen para Stonehaven Fireballs Festival
Burning of the Clavie Burghead new year hogmanay event.
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New Year in Italy.
Many celebrations are conducted on the streets of the cities, towns and villages to welcome the new year. Especially the most celebrated is "La Festa di San Silvestro". In this Festival are large number of events, there is no one particular; however, all lead to the same, which is enjoyment and happiness not only in family of the new year.
Families and friends gather to prepare a wonderful party in recognition of the new year. Hours before dance in ls shows there are streets of Italy and also you can see Fireworks and even these are already to the arrival of the new year.
Some people even prepare bonfires in the main square. Visitors enjoy joining these joyful celebrations where a feast of sights, sounds and smells fill the air. Naples is especially famous for its large fireworks display that shines over the sea as magical explosions break and returning to fall to the ground.

Hoguera de Fin de año

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Castle of the Ovo in Naples, celebrating the new year

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