domingo, 18 de febrero de 2018

Comparison of the Carnival Festivities Between Ecuador (Guaranda), Brazil and Spain.

  • Food.
Carnival in Ecuador (Guaranda).

When talking about food in this type of festivities in Guaranda, the most desired is:
-Fried, accompanied with mote, toasted, fried potatoes and ripe.
-Chiguiles, made from corn.
- Tripe stock
-Potatos with cuy
-Blood sausage
-Sweet sambo and all types of fruits
-Caps, pickled in a jar
Resultado de imagen para fritada de guaranda

Resultado de imagen para chiguiles guaranda

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As a drink, you should take the traditional chicha and the well-known blue bird. However, you can also drink any other drink, even some made with fruits.

Resultado de imagen para chicha guaranda

Resultado de imagen para pajaro azul licor

Carnival in Brazil.

Food is very important in the carnival of this country, the most traditional dishes are:

-Feijoada, prepared with black beans, bacon and salted meat.

-Fill flavors. Very varied, containing from fruit to fish. These are usually sold in the streets.

-Fricasé, consists of a stew where the food is fried with beaten eggs, and also seasoned with lemon and parsley.

-Crops of cassava (yucca croquettes, made with egg and onion),
-Muscle chicken
-Cheese bread.
-Bobs of meat or sausage.

Resultado de imagen para carnaval de brasil comida

Resultado de imagen para feijoada

Resultado de imagen para fricase brasileño

Resultado de imagen para pastelitos rellenos brasil

At the time of choosing their drinks they choose to take the caipirinha, made of achaca (a liqueur made with sugar cane), lemon, chancado and sugar.

Resultado de imagen para caipirinha

Carnival in Spain.
In this country you can see a lot of dishes with different flavors, however, it predominates more sweet than salty. There is typical food for these festivities in each Spanish region.
In Galicia and Asturias the freixós (also known as filloas and flakes), the frixuelos and the ears are typical.
Resultado de imagen para freixos

In Aragon, sausage, sausage or black pudding, crespillos of Carnival, tortetas and la chireta are other traditional recipes.
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Crespillos of Carnival
Resultado de imagen para chireta españa
Resultado de imagen para longaniza chorizo y morcilla españa

In Catalonia, there is a sausage made of pork stomach stuffed with minced meat, eggs, bread and raisins; and the coca of Llardons, an open empanada with pork rinds, pine nuts and sugar.
Resultado de imagen para coca de llardons

Canarias has its own recipes, starring mostly for honey. In addition to honey soups and pumpkin toast are the carnival tortillas made with egg, flour, sugar, milk, anise, cinnamon and honey.
Resultado de imagen para torrijas de calabaza
Pumpkin Toast
Resultado de imagen para tortillas de carnaval

In the south you can enjoy in advance the sweets of Holy Week such as torrijas, fried milk or pestiños.
Resultado de imagen para torrijas
Resultado de imagen para pestiños
Resultado de imagen para leche frita

In Cádiz the cakes of Olvera carnival, the buns and the carnival fritters stand out; and in Granada, on the other hand, the carnival curd.

Resultado de imagen para torta de carnaval de olvera

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Carnival Curd
  •  Traditional costumes.
Carnival in Ecuador (Guaranda).

In these festivities are carried out large amount of parades alluding to the date there may be characters that are very representative among those who are:
-The Taita Carnaval;character who wears trousers of leather, a men's short, drum and pigsha. It symbolizes the kindness of the guarandenos, presides over the parades and dances to the beat of the village band while enjoying the traditional liqueur Blue Bird.

-The Carishina;is a man dressed in woman, who heads the comparsas and the floats decorated with flowers and straw.

Resultado de imagen para Carishina guaranda

-Huasi Tupac;are people who receive the Carnival with great courtesy and fraternity, and invites them to chicha or drink, also ask them a series of questions by means of own songs of the era, which are or should be known by those who hold these festivals. They wear traditional clothes.

-The Ñusta Bonita; It is the indigenous Queen chosen by the Carnival. She wears the traditional dress.

Resultado de imagen para la Ñusta Bonita

* The traditional clothes are: wool, Plancus pants, poncho white hat and a white shirt for men. And in the case of women the baeta and anaco of wool and a white hat.
You can also mention the participation of variety of dancers wearing traditional costumes, which the vast majority are of the Serranía

Resultado de imagen para trajes tipicos del carnaval de guaranda

Resultado de imagen para trajes tipicos del carnaval de guaranda

Carnival in Brazil.
-King of the Carnival (King Momo).
The Carnival begins when the keys of the city are given to King Momo. At the moment in which he dances, everyone should do it. It is who opens the most important events of the Carnival.
Traditionally, a tall, fat man is chosen to play that role.Usually the a very striking clothing of a somewhat light blue or white color. What most stands out is his great Crown filled with glitter that sometimes takes on his clothes

Resultado de imagen para Rey del carnaval (Rey Momo

Resultado de imagen para princesas del carnaval de rio de janeiro

-Queen and princesses Carnival.
The Queen of Carnival, is chosen through competition, which takes into account aspects such as: its beauty, security that can be perceived in it, ease to express themselves, their sympathy and finally his ability dancing samba, as well as their spirit of Carnival.
The representatives who are in second and third place are crowned as princesses.
As your clothing can say that very attractive full of glitter, feathers and that often are dressed in costumes to be usually very displayed, crowns carrying size according to their positions and they resemble a Crown of beauty in these contests of stacan how brilliant that are.
Carnival Queen
Carnival Princess
Amo participar de los carnavales de Rio
Carnival Queen
They are queens, princesses and ladies of Carnival. Young sculptural, that on the floats of the troupes or samba schools, dance to the frenetic rhythm of percussion and trumpets.They suggest their perfect bodies under huge precious stones and fancy dresses.
The garotas do not have a fixed wardrobe, because his intention is to show its harmonious body through a good makeup or small beads covering minimum parts of your body also often use huge ornaments feathered creatures of all colors, tacos or high boots.

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Resultado de imagen para garotas brasil

Resultado de imagen para garotas brasil

The Bahian are women of a certain age ostentatiously dressed in traditional costumes of Bay. These dresses have a big skirts, which are used to make beautiful turns; When they rotate along the Avenue they represent the soul of the samba schools.
Guía del desfile del carnaval de Río de Janeiro.
The wing is a group of people, about 20-200, which used costumes and accompany the float. Their costumes are designed according to the concept represented by the school in the parade. Each school chooses a competitor who will be in charge of coordinating all the members of his wing.

Resultado de imagen para Ala carnaval de brasil

Resultado de imagen para Ala carnaval de brasil

Commission of front.
It is a group of between 12 and 15 dancers which execute a choreography with a high degree of difficulty, are located on the front of the formation and is introduced to the rest of those involved in the parade.
As we will see, their costumes in some cases do not correspond to the theme of the school, usually is a group with their own costumes and an independent show.


-Battery group.
It is a wing of the community therefore suits are paid by the school that goes with it. the choice of the people who will make up the group is the result of multiple hearings in the trials leading up to Carnival. Group costumes are designed in line with the selected topic and are sometimes so complex that it difficult for them to play correctly.

Resultado de imagen para Grupo de batería carnaval de brasil

Resultado de imagen para Grupo de batería carnaval de brasil

Queen of battery.
There are also a Queen, which is a beautiful dancer who presents a group of battery in battery group. Assumes that she inspires and motivates the hundreds of men who come behind it.
Like the garotas used immense dresses of rhinestones and fantasy, as well as feathered ornaments of all colors, tacos or high boots.

Resultado de imagen para Reina de Batería carnaval de brasil

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Carnival in Spain.
There is a huge variety of costumes, that it is impossible to name them all. However, these are the most important that you can see on this holiday and what transpired in the story:
-Queen of the carnival:Is selected by means of a gala in which qualifies the originality and execution of costumes, masterpieces that weigh up to 200 pounds and who have to rely on complex frameworks.
Like the carnival in Brazil in this queen has to highlight her costume that should be striking and unlike the Brazilian women they use all kinds of materials to recreate their costume, which is not only very provocative clothing.

 Resultado de imagen para Reina del Carnaval. españa

Resultado de imagen para Reina del Carnaval. españa

-Humorous chirigotas.
In the Carnival of Cádiz, you can entertain yourself with the famous chirigotas. These are groups that sing satirical and humorous songs on the streets about the themes of society.
They wear clothes of their choice, whether costumes or a specific wardrobe.

Resultado de imagen para Chirigotas

Resultado de imagen para Chirigotas

-The Comparsas.
Type of carnival group that goes out to the street to interpret their music and dance. The instruments, the type of dance and the character of the show are specific to each country in which they exist, and in many carnivals in the world competitions are held where they compete for various prizes.They do not have a  specific dress, as each comparsa chooses your dress to your liking.

Resultado de imagen para Las Comparsas españolas

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-The Murgas.
The murga is a theatrical genre inspired by the chirigotas that mixes satirical theater with music and that is usually a social denunciation or critical in humor tone of the past events interpreted by a group of approximately ten people.
The type of clothing to be used will be frock coat, jacket or rumba, pants or pollera. You can add the use of galleys, hats and gloves.The dress is usually decorated with appliques embroidered in sequins and other materials with brightness. The makeup is also an essential part of the wardrobe, it provides personality and characterizes the characters. It tends to highlight some features, exalting expressiveness.

Resultado de imagen para Las Murgas

The reason that the typical costumes of the Spanish carnival can not be treated in a more profound way is that there are a variety of parades and not only in one locality of that country but in many and in those parades there is a large number of participants, of which there highlight, the dancers.
  • Dance.
Carnival in Ecuador (Guaranda).
What characterizes this carnival is the interculturality that exists in its parades and dances, there we can see not only typical Andean dances but also dances of the coast and the Amazon. However, even if all this still exists, dances from the Sierra region predominate a lot.
Resultado de imagen para bailes de carnaval de guaranda

Resultado de imagen para bailes de carnaval de guaranda

Resultado de imagen para bailes de carnaval de guaranda

Resultado de imagen para bailes de carnaval de guaranda

Resultado de imagen para bailes de carnaval de guaranda

Carnival in Brazil.
It is very clear that the most practiced dance in this festival is the Samba and not only in parades, but throughout the country. One can also mention the capoeria that thanks to the slaves was introduced to this country and is now very practiced. It also presents traditional dances from that country.
To get the actual character of the Samba, the dancer has to play with the girl and show very exuberant. Many of the figures currently used in Samba requires a precise movement of the pelvis. This movement is very difficult to do so, but without it, the Samba loses all its grace.

Resultado de imagen para bailes de carnaval de brasil

Resultado de imagen para bailes de carnaval de brasil

Carnival in Spain.
Being as varied characters from their shows, there is a dance specific; however, danced very traditional dances of Spain and every city depending on the event. Note that the wide variety of representations in parades makes it very difficult to tell with accuracy their dances.
All the dances has the characteristic of having original and colorful costumes of its participants, elaborate choreography and satirical letters of the troupes.
In some cases in the Carnival in this country you can hear Latin music, which is also one of the favourites when it comes to dancing.

Resultado de imagen para carnaval de españa bailes

Resultado de imagen para carnaval de españa bailes

  • Music.
Carnival in Ecuador (Guaranda).
His music more representative is the song, which is composed by the troubadours. The troubadours composed hundreds of songs, from the snows of the mountains to the lower subtropical zones of the mountain, by the fact that in addition there in fells of the Andes, the indigenous quichua sings his couplets of Carnival.
The themes of the songs tend to be different, there are some traditional character, satirical, moral, loving, tender to the irreverent and apricots.
This is the music that puts all the Carnival to dance.

Carnival in Brazil.
The samba is the music and dance more recognized in the Brazilian festivities. Some of the more popular versions include: carioca, baión, conga, mesemba, to batucado and carnivale.
Samba has a very specific rhythm achieved by some instruments characteristic of Brazil: tamborim, chocalho, reco-reco and cabaça.
Depending on the taste of each school they choose their type of music that can be fused with sounds more current or may remain with the unique essence of the original samba.

Carnival in Spain.
Again we must mention the variety that exists in this country when it comes to Carnival. The music more representative is:
For starters, the choir is more serious, and there are nearly 45 people on that. There are instruments that accompany the chorus, as a guitar, mandolin, and a lute. The presentation is the same in each musical group.
The Paso doble is typically a long song with a more serious subject about events during the past year, and tango has a gaditano rhythm, and have sung only for the choirs and their orchestras, and typically is a poetic song.
The final group is the Quartet, that is consisting of 3-5 people, and they use a Reed whistle and a key. His songs are funny, and its list of production includes presentation, a parody, two couplets, and your Potpourri.

  • Special curiosities in their celebrations.
Carnival in Ecuador (Guaranda).
-Playing with water, coils and more.
In the Carnaval of Guaranda is played with streamers, powders, lotions, flowers, candy, dust and water. It's a party animated by parades, speeches, counterpoints, public dances and festival of typical foods that are part of the Carnival culture.

-A party 24/7.
In the holidays almost nobody sleeps and from six in the morning starts to cook the pigs, Cook the mote, prepare the humas, chicha, sweet sambo, bread, among others.

-"Rooster Compadre".
These days farmers organize parties where recite thousands of songs and dance. This game consists in imitating various animals to the sound of a drum.

Resultado de imagen para Gallo Compadre

Carnival in Brazil.
-The samba schools invest some 5 million dollars to organize its luxurious parades in the Sambadrome.
-A 'fantasy' (costume) to parade in the Sambadrome costs on average more than $500.
-Nudity is not allowed to officially
 This may be the most surprising element in this list, taking into account some of the "suits" that we have seen.
-Before the days of the Carnival there are street festivals called blocos, which according to some is the part most authentic Carnival.
-The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro is about 80 years of tradition, but it makes 21 that is professionally organized.
-The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro employs 250,000 people and generates revenue of 640 million dollars for the city.
-The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro is not only the most famous and but also the more rampant. This great carioca party raises the Brazilian Government the difficulties of excesses and permissiveness.

Resultado de imagen para mejor carnaval del mundo

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Resultado de imagen para carnaval rio de janeiro

Resultado de imagen para carros alegoricos de carnaval

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Carnival in Spain.
-The Carnival of Tenerife, has an appearance the book of Guinness World Records certified as record the presence of more than 200,000 people at a dance held in the open air.
-The burial of the sardine.
The burial is a Carnival parade that parodies a funeral procession and culminates with the burning of a symbolic, usually representing a sardine figure.

-Fat Thursday.
"Lardero Thursday" or "Fat Thursday". Fat, because it was a day in which many villages is went out to the field to make a meal based on the pig and was the prelude to Carnival celebrations.

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-Hernán Cortés and his contribution to Carnival.
The Spanish conqueror who, at the beginning of the 16th century, led the expedition that began the conquest of Mexico, Hernán Cortes, exported along with the Catholic Religion this curious pagan festival.

Resultado de imagen para sus tradiciones de tlaxcala

-The second Sunday of Lent is organizes the Carnival of the tedious (i.e., from the fire-proof), who again filled the streets of illegal clusters Cádiz.
The Civil War broke out in 1936, and most of the festivities were cancelled and some, like Carnival, prohibited. In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, they decided to change the name to the's 'Fiestas de Invierno' to circumvent the ban. The Carnival of Cadiz was without his party for years. In the rural villages has continued to celebrate these ancestral rites.

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-Since 1980 Tenerife Carnival is a Festival of international tourist interest and currently is postulated to be Intangible Cultural heritage of UNESCO. Get it, would be the first Carnival of Spain to have this recognition.

Resultado de imagen para carnaval santa cruz de tenerife 2014

Videos of Spanish carnival

  • Webgraphy.

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